
Stand Perfect in Wisdom: An Exposition of Colossians & Philemon is unavailable, but you can change that!

Two enemies of the evangelical church today are intellectualism and legalism. The former exalts the mind to the exclusion of the heart, whereas the latter stresses outward conformity rather than inward transformation. Gnosticism elevates knowledge above faith, while ecclesiastical traditionalism suppresses grace with laws. In most situations, these errors are found separately; however, they were...

But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased (Heb. 13:15–16). Both Paul and Timothy performed this ministry well. 2. Its object Paul and Timothy gave their thanks “to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” In the New Testament, the direction of thanksgiving is almost exclusively to God, with but three exceptions in the fifty-three cases (Luke 17:16; Acts 24:3; Rom. 16:4). God is always the source of gracious favors. James wrote: “Every good gift
Pages 31–32